Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Election

The youth voters had a huge impact on the outcome of the presidential election this year. There were approximately 2 million more voters under the age of 24 this election then in the last one.
Polls like the one displayed on the left, show how the youth were impacted by the candidates in general. The graphs on the left reflect the views of the young voters, age 18 to 24, from the 2008 presidential election. 83% of young voters thought that the 2008 election would impact the country a great deal. Thus, resulting in their votes. When asked which political party understands the "needs of people like yourself", 46% of young voters said it was the democratic party. And finally, when asked who was the most "inspirational" candidate, 53% of young voters said it was Barack Obama. I believe that not only did Obama's policies and ideas get him elected, but how those ideas were presented was how the democratic party took the White House.

Another interesting outcome of the 2008 Presidential Election was the global impact on the election and the global reaction to the results. Most countries heaved a sigh of relief when they learned of Obama's victory. One country included in this was Kenya. The day after election day, the president of Kenya, Mwai Kabaki, declared a national holiday so the people could continue their celebrations.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

McCain's Plan for Success

Most of the issues discussed on John McCain's blog are the differences between McCain/Palin and Obama/Biden.  One main point is the economy.  There are links to commercials released by McCain about Obama's plan to raise taxes.  One particular commercial is how Obama's plan to raise taxes will negatively effect the working families of America, Senior citizens and give money to those people who don't pay taxes at all.  This ad plays off Obama's "Joe the Plumber" ideas.

Here is a link to another set of videos of John McCain's speech given at the ALfred E. Smith Dinner.  The audiance consisted of democrats and republicans.  The general point of McCain's speech was to humorously criticize Obama's plans for America, should be become president.  Although the issues were presented in a funny way, McCain is successful in portraying his ideas and beliefs to an influential audience.  This was broadcasted live, so many Americans at home had the chance to see into some fundamental points of McCain's campaign.  

 McCain's blog is not only about the happenings of John McCain, but also of his running mate, Palin.  Here is a link to a photo gallery posted up on the blog.  It has pictures from Sarah Palin in Indiana.  You can also see the hundreds of replys posted to the blog by supporters and non supporters alike about the McCain/Palin Campaign here.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

McCain Blog

This blog is updated almost daily and follows the movements, ideas and happenings of John McCain. It includes updates by the author of the blog, videos of speeches by John McCain, new commercials and quotes from the McCain. This blog gives acurate information for longtime followers of John McCain and provides explanations for new-comers.

2- This blog is different in several ways from other blogs I have looked at in the past. The biggest difference is that this blog is maintained professionally and is considered reliable. This blog also has videos imbedded in the site. Most other blogs I've seen are less professional and are not for informational purposes, as this one is.

3- John McCain recently discussed his policy for the economic future of this country. "Instead of rejecting good ideas because we didn't think of them first, let's use the best ideas from both sides. This great country can do anything we put our minds to. I will ask Democrats and Independents to serve with me. And my administration will set a new standard for transparency and accountability. We're going to finally start getting things done for the people who are counting on us, and I won't care who gets the credit." In my opinion, this idea is one of the best I have heard so far. I agree with this in that instead of trying to prove a specific party's way of thinking or doing things is the only way to govern a country, we should take the best idea presented and use it. Instead of thinking single mindedly, the president, or candidates, should think about what is best for the country as a whole.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Taylor Swift and Santa.

Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift is 18 with an amazingly beautiful cd out and another on the way. Her sophmore album will be released on November 11th. The first single off the album was released last week entitled Love Song. Taylor keeps her own blog where she writes to her fans and keeps them informed about her concerts, cds, new singles and her day to day life.


Today, everyone is making the switch from a paper-filled world to the convience of technology. Even Santa. Instead of tediously writing him letters, sending them in the mail and waiting for them to reach the north pole, you can now send him a message on his blog of your Christmas wish list. My personal favorite entry is Charlie's Santa Letter From England.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Dumbest Generation.

Bauerlin makes strong, valid arguments that this is the dumbest generation, and I have to agree with him. This generation has the oppertunity to use all the technology that is available to acheive great, unknown things. Yet we use it for other, less glorious purposes.

There are no boundries put on the youth of today. When researching for a project online most students end up on facebook or a similar site to see what their friends are doing. When students are supposed to be learning in the classroom, most are texting. And instead of studying for exams, most students find themselves distracted by iPods or the television. In my opinion, if stronger boundries were made and enforced for this generation, big changes would occur. Including but not limited to the development of new technologies and a smarter and more focused generation.

If the this generation used the available technology for its intended purpose, less of these distractions would be a problem. Bauerlin said, "Digital natives, go to the Internet not to store knowledge in their minds, but to retrieve material and pass it along. The Internet is just a delivery system.'' This is true. If this generation gathered and retained information from the internet instead of simply searching for answers then forgetting them, there would be less of a gap between the generations.

The use and development of technology is increasing in the world today. There is really no stopping it. The way to make this a true benefit for the younger generations is to show them the importance of a definite seperation between the time for working and learning and the time for technological recreation.