Sunday, October 19, 2008

McCain's Plan for Success

Most of the issues discussed on John McCain's blog are the differences between McCain/Palin and Obama/Biden.  One main point is the economy.  There are links to commercials released by McCain about Obama's plan to raise taxes.  One particular commercial is how Obama's plan to raise taxes will negatively effect the working families of America, Senior citizens and give money to those people who don't pay taxes at all.  This ad plays off Obama's "Joe the Plumber" ideas.

Here is a link to another set of videos of John McCain's speech given at the ALfred E. Smith Dinner.  The audiance consisted of democrats and republicans.  The general point of McCain's speech was to humorously criticize Obama's plans for America, should be become president.  Although the issues were presented in a funny way, McCain is successful in portraying his ideas and beliefs to an influential audience.  This was broadcasted live, so many Americans at home had the chance to see into some fundamental points of McCain's campaign.  

 McCain's blog is not only about the happenings of John McCain, but also of his running mate, Palin.  Here is a link to a photo gallery posted up on the blog.  It has pictures from Sarah Palin in Indiana.  You can also see the hundreds of replys posted to the blog by supporters and non supporters alike about the McCain/Palin Campaign here.

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