Bauerlin makes strong, valid arguments that this is the dumbest generation, and I have to agree with him. This generation has the oppertunity to use all the technology that is available to acheive great, unknown things. Yet we use it for other, less glorious purposes.
There are no boundries put on the youth of today. When researching for a project online most students end up on facebook or a similar site to see what their friends are doing. When students are supposed to be learning in the classroom, most are texting. And instead of studying for exams, most students find themselves distracted by iPods or the television. In my opinion, if stronger boundries were made and enforced for this generation, big changes would occur. Including but not limited to the development of new technologies and a smarter and more focused generation.
If the this generation used the available technology for its intended purpose, less of these distractions would be a problem. Bauerlin said, "Digital natives, go to the Internet not to store knowledge in their minds, but to retrieve material and pass it along. The Internet is just a delivery system.'' This is true. If this generation gathered and
retained information from the internet instead of simply searching for answers then forgetting them, there would be less of a gap between the generations.
The use and development of technology is increasing in the world today. There is really no stopping it. The way to make this a true benefit for the younger generations is to show them the importance of a definite seperation between the time for working and learning and the time for technological recreation.